I had started this blog with the intention of giving myself 5 minute intervals for everything, 5 minutes of playing each game, 5 minutes of writing about it, 5 minutes (days) of laziness followed by 5 minutes (seconds) of rewriting. However, the first game at the top of the google play store was 100 Balls and it didn’t last more than 30 miserable seconds. You release 100 balls into a carousel of funnels and by doing so, you score points. It’s all so wasteful. You waste balls, you waste your own time, you waste brain cells. You could say the game itself is a kind of waste.

100 Balls made me feel nothing. It’s a trifle. Less interesting than a politician’s dreams and about as much fun as picking dirt out of your fingernails. Unsurprisingly it’s currently at the top of the “Top Games” list but I remember a category called “Top Free” which seems to have disappeared, perhaps free games block the pipes of commerce.

100 Balls would have been an easy game to make innuendo jokes about and I’m fairly certain some of those slipped in anyway  but I want to let you all know usually won’t sink to that level. The lowest I’ll go is toilet humor.


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