Don’t tap the white tile

Don’t tap the white tile is a game about how people are diagnosed and treated with sociopathy in modern society. Players interact with psychiatrists and psychopaths to determine the current state of psychiatry from the layman’s perspective. Players must deal with the over-zealousness of psychiatrists in creating disorders out of normal behavior, prescribing drugs to children and the moral difficulties surrounding people who have dangerous mental disorders which cannot be cured.

Actually no, that’s a book called  “The psycopath test” by Jon Ronson. Don’t tap the white tile is a game where you tap black tiles and you try not to tap the white ones, wheee!

When you do tap black tiles, a piano key is played, often to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb” or other simple tunes. At first I thought this was rather nice, then I made mistakes and the notes turned sour and it was like listening to someone with OCD learn how to play piano, one who couldn’t recover from mistakes and had to start over every-single-time they played a note incorrectly. I changed the sound mode setting to “default” and the notes were replaced by inharmonious bleeps and bwarps.

It felt a lot like playing as a defective player piano or  a little man, inside a player piano, trying to hit notes as I was instructed to although this didn’t feel like the intended design.

I'd like to report a crime against literature

I’d like to report a crime against game design please

“Don’t tap the white tile” has 10 million downloads. 10 million people who have played as player pianos that can’t recover from mistakes even if they want to. I wonder what Kurt Vonnegut would think about that. I wonder if Kurt ever played videogames when he was alive.

I doubt it.

I doubt that many of my favourite authors would enjoy games, even half-life would probably be an alienating piece of shit to them the snobby high minded genius fools. Thankfully, most of them are dead already. If they played “Don’t touch the white tile” before they had died they probably would wish they were dead or, would commit suicide that little bit earlier. Jon Ronson, if you’re reading this. Stay away from free android videogames, for now at least.

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