Top 10 Free Android Games – July

It may not be July yet but I am just itching to write about all the new top games in the android play store… though that might just be head lice and worms again. Nevertheless, the top 10 list on the play store is 60% new games! I won’t be reviewing the same ones again so I may just get stuck into the sub-10 games just to see how much worse they can get before I sell all of the technological items I own and join a Norwegian whaling fleet. Minke whales don’t hunt themselves you know. How else will people fuel their lamps?

Anyway. I’ll just crack on with it. Thanks dedicated readership of people. You make it all worthwhile, not in a mutual respect sort of way or in a feeling of camaraderie way or any sort of way really. Shhhhh, it’s still a warm feeling. Don’t take it away from me. Or else.

Yours in Christ,
John Henders.

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