Bubble witch 2

Well bugger me, how on earth did I miss Bubble Witch 1? I wonder if it’s because the game is Puzzle Bobble with a happy Halloween theme and has been devoured by the unforgiving contempt of time.

Let’s hope so.

This rubbish bubble clone is not even awful to play. Everything is animated, the colours are bright and appealing. People have worked on this game with a modicum of effort. I just don’t care because it’s made by international bastards King. I don’t even want to make any more snide remarks involving it’s theme or unique quirks. It’s Puzzle Bobble… that’s it. I am too wearied by King games to play or berate their games any more.

From now on, if a King game makes it into the top 10 list I would otherwise be playing through and reviewing. I will just write the word “Shit”. And call it a day at that.


Well, it doesn't feel like I've won.

Well, it doesn’t feel like I’ve won.

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