Stickman click

This game took me by complete surprise. It defies the current trend of coloured block games and architecture simulators by being a game about murdering little men in a certain order without one of them witnessing another’s murder or death. If you mess the order up and kill only 4 out of 6, you lose.

It’s entertaining enough actually, planning it so that one man opens a window after being awoken by a radio, only to have the window amusingly decapitate him and have his head fall into the pool. The goal is to get the head to fall into the pool while it’s unoccupied so that you can turn on the pool jets to launch the decapitated head through the bathroom window at high speed, killing a bathroom urinater. Glee.

Added bonus, I think I just invented the word “urinater”.

It’s not a game that commands your attention for long. Once you figure out the plan, the game is over. There’s a macarbe joy in messing it up though and having the little stick men scramble away in fear as a little stick skull lands next to them. It’s not a deep game, not challenging or even particularly inventive but it doesn’t matter. It’s still a laugh. It’s alright. Calm down you’re making a scene. Let go of my arm, you’re hurting me. CALL THE POLICE!


The artistic style hasn’t changed from what I remember of the browser based stick man games from a trillion years ago actually. It looks kind of low quality but it seems intentional and in fact more detail would be unnecessary for what the game attempts to achieve. It’s like a lazy 5 minute hitman game.

Stick man click is without a doubt a ready salted packet of two own brand crisps. Bland, devoid of nutrients, not enough to sate hunger, but a nice little nibble even if people say it’s bad for you and you’re embarrassed to eat them on the bus.

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