Criminal legacy

Criminal legacy is another gag inducing isometric shit-house with “build a criminal empire” as the shitty layer of paint hoping to disguise and profit from its shitty foundations.

I would have uninstalled it immediately if I had not blundered into an amusing situation where naming my criminal overlord “Nigel Farage” was considered profanity. If there is goodness in the world, this was an intentional fail condition and I am proud to have discovered it.


Name validation seems a bit hypocritical for a game about criminals. Why on earth can’t my criminal be called Fucknuckle, Shitears or Twatknees? Also, as soon as you progress to the next stage, you knife several prison guards so hard that they evaporate. A name has never killed anyone. Actually, they depressingly have I suppose.

Anyway, back to the game – After his dramatic escape, Nick Clegg took off for some drag racing but at first he had to build a car park. I’d like to think this is how the real clegg lives his life, first he helps some homeless people and then he smother a nun. He’s a boring schizophrenic two-face who has to pursue both good and evil to achieve a position of absolute neutrality.

Sadly, Nick’s neutral neuroses didn’t maintain interest long enough to discover if the rest of the criminals in the game ever realise that building amenities like carparks actually benefits society, even if you do race cars in them. Surely if you own it, you could actually close it and host legal races? I didn’t want to continue just in case my imagined dramatic revelation where Nick points out his new dream of becoming a liberal politician alienates and disenfranchises his criminal buddies.

This game is a Chilean Pyura, it’s pretty dammed awful, verging on inedible but damned if it isn’t at least thought-provoking.

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