
Good Wednesday whinge fans. Today’s game to gripe about if AdVenture from Kongregate.

It’s a cynical game about acquiring money by buying businesses, that’s really all you do. You buy a business, it acquires money, you buy more. Capitalism! I rather like it, it’s taken the farmville/mafia wars/clash of clans genres and boiled them down to a few taps. Pleasingly, the conceit of multiplayer has evaporated and micro transactions only bubble up once.


These loading bars are more fun than 95% of the android games I've played. No joke.

There’s considerable satisfaction to be had filling those money bars, getting multipliers and hiring managers to eliminate the need to tap but the caveat is that the fun plateaus rapidly. Once you own all the businesses and you’re earning billions a second, there’s nothing to do. There’s always more to earn and goals to reach but there’s not much incentive to continue. Would you keep your job at the local mule food factory if you won all the mule food you could gargle? I doubt it.

It is nicely designed, it’s engaging at the start but it has nothing to keep you interested. I’d prefer a communism simulator, where you get a fixed sum of money and try to divide it equally among the populace while secretly funding your private mansion and sending any detractors to the pogroms.


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