The Battle Cats

A game about cats! Purrfect! Let’s see how many cat based puns I can litter this review with! My whiskers tingle with fear when I have to play as a cat in a game. This is largely because I worked briefly in a kennel and cattery while I was a nipper. In the dog kennel there were cranky little terriers, mischievous rottweiler pups and a great dane the size of Denmark itself. Feeding and walking the dogs was an absolute joy. Even the dogs which were initially nervous around me became friendly once they learned that I was the bringer of delicious jellied pig entrails. Conversely, the cats in the cattery considered themselves prison inmates and used every opportunity they had to shank me with their razor claws.

Meow on to the game. There’s certainly nothing immediately abhorrent about it. Levels are brief and fun. Upgrades are amusingly titled, varied enough to provide a unique experience and best of all, don’t cost real money. The game starts off at a decent pace, purring and rubbing itself against your brain legs. It doesn’t dig its micro-transaction claws into your shins right away, although they are there and I’ve got a feeling that the difficulty might unfairly spike at some point* at which point players will be given an unexpected financial scratch unless they the game in a burlap sack and throw it into the river of uninstallation.

*(Tiny Dice Dungeon knows what I’m talking about)

Poor Japan. They never even had a chance.

Poor Japan. They don’t even stand a chance.

I’ve played through 10 levels so far without an enemy getting within range of my cat cannon, so I’d say that even if the difficulty does spike to unplayable levels like other games, you do get a decent amount of uninterrupted gameplay furrst. I do like the art stye of the game and the cat cannon is particularly purr-ty. I guess I have to catnip this positivity in the bud and do some complaining! The music and sound effects get monotonous fast if you’re an irritable bastard like me and the learning curve is slow to ramp up, it’s too easy for too long.


“I look forward to disemboweling your entire family.”


I would have liked an alternative where I’d get to play as the dogs. That might have been ruff on the developers though. Haha! get it? that was a dog one! I’m so sorry.

If you’re feline like playing a decent android game. The Battle Cats is a tail which is well worth digging your fangs into. Paws for effect.

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